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Fall Seminars coming soon!


Tallahassee and Panama City

Why is My Child Acting Like This?

Learn the secrets to your child's behavior and how to set them up for success and peace instead of arguments and tantrums. Works for all ages of children.

Why is My Child Acting Like This?
Why is My Child Acting Like This?

Time & Location

Fall Seminars coming soon!

Tallahassee and Panama City

About the event

Do you ever wonder why your child is having tantrums, hitting people, tearing up things – whatever? It doesn’t just “happen.” Aimee Roberts, Board Certified Behavior Analyst and owner of Orchard ABA and the Orchard Center will be helping you learn and identify the 4 main reasons your children are misbehaving and how to intervene before and after to have a more peaceful house. This seminar will be very hands on and specific to your family situations. You will leave with an understanding of how to recognize potential problems, cut them off at the pass, and provide appropriate consequences that will help your child learn to manage their big feelings better. Class size is limited to 10 families so that you will have lots of one-on-one time with the behavior analysts.  This class will be repeated if there is a wait list.

Special for Orchard ABA current client families - For every friend you bring, we will discount your first tickets by 50%.  So you and your friend can come for just $10!  Additional family adults are $5 for each family.  Ask for the discount code!


  • Admit One Adult

    Sale ended
  • Additional Adult (limit 2)

    Additional adults attending with primary ticket holder

    Sale ended



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